Airbag SRS ECU Repair service 日本語



Welcome to Air Bag Computer Repair shop




99% of air bag computers are repairable.


In addition to turning off the airbag error light, we repair it so that it will operate in an accident.


It is 6000 yen for the repair fee plus shipping of most Japanese cars. 30 days warranty. in Japan


It will be shipped by Kuroneko Yamato or Okinawa Hokkaido.


For regular customers, the repair fee is 6000 yen plus shipping for all Japanese cars.


If there is a type that cannot be repaired, no repair fee will be incurred, but please bear only the shipping fee.


If the car was not in an accident (internal failure), it can be repaired, but the probability is 50%.


If repair is not possible, no repair fee will be charged but please bear only the shipping fee.




Foreign car

Japanese car



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